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Love God, Love Others (Matthew 22:36-39)
The purpose of the honor code is to establish a standard of excellence in our school. With the first and second great commandments as our guide, it is expected that students and staff uphold the following standards and expectations at all times.
Expected Conduct at School, School-Sponsored Activities, and Away from School
• Kindness and Respect. Treat every person with kindness and respect, including students of all ages, teachers, parents, administration, staff, and visitors and to the school.
• Uplifting Language. Choose words that inspire and uplift. Words intended to hurt or offend should never be used and have no place in our school.
• Honesty. Be honest and truthful in all dealings.
• Humility and Integrity. Accept corrections respectfully from all who have stewardship for you. This includes (but is not limited to) your parents and every staff member at the school, even if they aren’t your teacher.
• Positive Attitude. Display a positive and willing attitude. This includes making a good-faith effort to devote oneself to learning, including arriving on time and ready to learn, and to fulfill all Honor Code commitments.
• Stewardship. Care for our building. This includes eating only in designated areas, treating doors, walls, school equipment, and outdoor areas with care and respect, and walking inside the building. Seek ways to leave our classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms cleaner and better maintained than we found them.
• Dress & Grooming. Follow the Legacy Dress and Grooming standards (found HERE) diligently and willingly. For the 2024-25 school year, for boys this includes docker, khaki, or dress pants and a polo or buttoned-up collared shirt. For girls, this includes dresses, skirts or dress style pants such as dockers, khakis, or dress pants and a dressy top or collared shirt. Students should keep a clean and well-cared for appearance.
• Cell Phones, Personal Electronic Devices and Technology. Use cell phones, personal electronic devices, and computers only at times that are respectful and approved. For students, cell phones and electronic devices (including smart watches) should be turned off while on campus and remain in backpacks or at home during normal school hours (from 8:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.) and during school-sponsored travel, unless otherwise approved by a teacher or administrator. Cell phones and electronic devices may be used by 9th-12th graders when off campus at lunch if desired, although we encourage them to keep them turned off and socialize with those present. Students may ask for permission from teachers to use their phones or electronic devices while under the supervision of the teacher who gave permission. Communication via text or social media, whether off campus or at home, should be appropriate and respectful.
• Displays of Affection. While at school or during school-sponsored activities, students should not engage in public or private displays of romantic physical affection, including kissing, cuddling, and hand-holding.
• Conduct Away from School. Faculty, staff and students are expected to conduct themselves at all times as Christians. With limited exceptions (such as dress code and cell phones), the Honor Code is expected to be kept on and off campus.
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