To help build a community environment as Legacy families and to enrich our program without overtaxing our teachers and staff, parents of full time students are required to give 25 service hours to the school during the school year. Parents of part time students are required to give 15 hours.
Here are a few examples of service opportunities:
Fall Harvest Party - Food, decorations, etc.
Book Drive - Help organize, plan, accept money, etc.
Christmas - Helping with organizing crafts, help organizing Senior Center trip, etc.
Thanksgiving Feast - Food, decorations, etc.
Class Parties - Food, decorations, etc.
Constitution Day
President's Day
Guest Speakers - Help arrange, organize, etc.
Food for Parent/Teacher conference
Service Projects - Find opportunities in community, organize, etc.
Reading Buddies - Listen to children read, help organize, etc.
Pi Day - Food, decorations, etc.
Field Trips - Help organize, go on trip, etc.
Grade Papers
Drawer of WOW - help stock, organize, etc.
Bucket of BOOM - help stock, organize, etc.
Legacy Store/Town - help organize, etc.