​The "Super Six"- Legacy's founding teachers

Crystal Hessing, Kindra Howard, Marcie Frogley, Ann Watkins, Natricia Christopherson, and Angie Hobson.
I want to share a little more about Legacy and the divinely inspired vision we hold of our school. Legacy was started in 2017 by myself and an incredible group of parents and teachers. We desired to create an educational opportunity for our children that was centered in Christ, led by families, and rooted in true principles. We wanted an education that first warmed the heart and then inspired the mind, bringing out personal creativity and joy in learning. We wanted to set our children up for a lifetime of learning, use education to build resilient children with strong character, and help them connect to their Creator. We also wanted to honor the role that parents play and not infringe on their God-given stewardship. We found wonderful mentors, great curricula, and inspired families and we got going! From a simple start in homes and rented facilities, we have continued to grow and improve our programs from year to year. We have had many challenges along the way, but we continue to persevere as we know that the Lord is leading us forward and providing the needed miracles and support.
Marcie Frogley